1. Chris

    I have never seen nor understood Carl Boozer being rated. He is an average regular season guy, who cannot produce in the playoffs; poor Chicago. Similarly, Jeff McInnis?! “LOL!”

  2. durvasa

    According to this, Yao Ming’s offensive RAPM over his career was -0.5. But from Jeremias Engelmann’s page, Yao’s ORAPM season-by-season was: 0.3, 0.9, -0.3, 0.9, 2.7, 1.3, 1.7, (out for year), -1.3 (only 5 games).

    It looks like there is a discrepancy here. Are you guys maybe using different methods for calculating RAPM, or does computing over multiple seasons do something funny to the ratings?

    • DanielM

      J.E. has just moved from pure RAPM to box-score informed RAPM, which is a different animal and not independent anymore. In addition, it uses height in the regression, a variable in which, if I mistake not, Yao was an outlier.

      You are correct, though–true single year RAPM will not sum to multi-year RAPM. That was not the (biggest) issue here, though.

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